Sunday, July 13, 2014

Plein air painting festival July 11-13, 2014

Acrylic on 140lb watercolor paper

One of the locations for Gallery North's Wet Paint Festival this year was at Harmony Vineyards in Head of the Harbor, NY. On Saturday I made 5 paintings moving my easel to different locations around this very beautiful vineyard. Here is my entry for the auction next Friday evening. I chose this because it offers 2 paintings for the price of one and shows 2 views from the same standing point.  The weather was perfect with a light breeze coming off the harbor. Plein air painting is truly one of the best things about being a painter.  I go to work in a location that will ultimately become ingrained in my memory because of the intense visual observations made. It is always fun to see how these studies evolve as the spontaneity of the process keeps it all so refreshing.

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