Saturday, November 1, 2014

Rejoice! A New Painting in Progress

Small sketches for the latest painting, oil on watercolor paper

How joyful it is to begin a new painting!  There is so much hope and anticipation of great challenges ahead to be conquered, new horizons to cross, and a really good painting to enjoy. But in reality the thrill of the whole process is very much befitting to the agony and the ecstasy. Hard as I try, not all paintings will become their best. This is the reality of each new canvas. That is why I begin with as much preparation I feel needed before jumping into it whole-heartedly. But that work still does not guarantee success or get me out of hot water because the painting process itself really is what determines the finished work.
Acrylic and Oil on canvas, 45" x 50" work in progress
The underpainting prepares the basic color scheme and the drawing continues to be finessed as each layer is built. I decided to invert the horses from the original sketch- why? I just thought they looked better facing right. The bird is there because I believe it adds a certain refinement and elevation signifying spiritual and bodily freedom. I try to put them in my work any time I can.

So, here it is so far and when I return the finished painting will be unveiled...